Reaching and Raising Up
the Next Generation

Reaching and Raising Up the Next Generation

Young people are leaving the church in record numbers. The percentage of teens who identify as atheists is double that of the general population (13% vs. 6% of all adults). We need to reach our students with the Gospel… and we need to reach them now!

Source: Barna





Sarah Stroud

Sarah Stroud first heard about Faith 2 Faith when her church’s band led worship at one of their events. The event immediately had an impact on her.

“It was a really eye-opening experience, realizing that even though I’m young, I can still share the gospel,” she said.

Read full story >

God has given Tom and the Faith 2 Faith team a vast ministry. They are doing something we are not good at, but we know it needs to be done. They have the tools to make it work. If we have resources to help them along, that is our role to play.

Roger and Kären Chutter

“God has given Tom and the Faith 2 Faith team a vast ministry. They are doing something we are not good at, but we know it needs to be done. They have the tools to make it work. If we have resources to help them along, that is our role to play.”

Roger and Kären Chutter


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