


Faith 2 Faith Ministries is raising up the next generation of soul winners. With over 20 years of sharing the gospel in many different contexts, a common thread has emerged of the many men and women who have responded to the call to Christian service. Here are some of their stories…

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While Faith 2 Faith moves strategically in communities, we have a global reach. Because we have a community focus, each door that God opens around the world has a local feel to the way we engage the church, schools and other public spaces. Here are some of the places we are active in today…

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Our vision is to see communities all over the world transformed in and through the name of Jesus! This is a tall task and one that we do not take lightly. Working in and with the community means that we are sharing the gospel with our words and actions. Our passion to to proclaim Christ, and our work in the community gives us the right to share the Good News.

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