

Nuturing Habitats for Gospel Movement

What would it look like for the gospel to saturate a town, a city or even a region? What would it look like for the church to be viewed as a trusted partner by local government, schools and other community services? With all the differences in society today, this seems like an impossibility. And it’s true. Jesus says in Matthew 19:26, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Too often, we view the word “community” as the membership we are gowing within our church walls. The church develops programs that support retention and activities that encourage attendees to go deeper with the group they worship with. However, often times when we focus on our own community, we forget that we are part of a broader community where we live, send our kids to school and work.

Being a member of the broad community and seeing the needs is a lot of work. It would be an all hands on deck experience for the church! If we want to see Jesus glorified in our communities, it’s going to cost us something. We will have to sacrifice and serve in an uncomfortable way. We will have to look beyond the walls of our church building.

Faith 2 Faith wants to see communities all over the world transformed in and through the name of Jesus! We believe that the best gospel stories are preached with our words and our actions. So, we serve and we share. We earn the right to be heard. We don’t use serving as an excuse to not share. We use our work in the community to pave the way for Gospel conversations. That’s part of the magic of Gospel movement.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” -Colossians 3:17