Natalia DeChristofaro

Natalia DeChristofaro

Tom Miyashiro, Founder of Faith 2 Faith, has a way of identifying young people destined to be spiritual leaders. Natalia DeChristofaro is one of those people. She already had a passion for Christ that drew her to be a part of the team.

“I was in a season where I was praying for more opportunities to serve,” Natalia said. “When Tom approached me about learning more about the ministry, I felt like that was an open door.”

Natalia is an online student at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Texas. She’s also a waitress and helps with various area youth groups. She maintains a busy schedule but has also started to learn about the work that goes on behind-the-scenes in planning events, organizing camps, preparing budgets and mobilizing the church. The depth and breadth of Faith 2 Faith’s outreach is astounding, but mentoring students like Natalia is paramount to its next gen vision.

“At first, I had a hard time understanding the ministry because there is just so much going on,” Natalia said. “They do a great job at networking and partnering with youth groups throughout a community. They have connections everywhere.”

Natalia acknowledges that a lot of unbelievers aren’t really interested in the church and that Faith 2 Faith is about reaching those people. They take it a step further. Those unique steps provide a rich education for a student seeking God… and a student seeking God provides Faith 2 Faith a platform to shine.

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