

How We Work

First, we bathe our work in prayer, recognizing that we are simply the tools God uses for his good purposes. Second, we are thoughtful and strategic when we approach outreach. We have a great time, but we take each project seriously – for it is Kingdom work. Third, we follow a proven method for sharing the Gospel with youth, always allowing space for the Spirit’s leading.

Faith 2 Faith is committed to Gen Z. From its inception in 2001, this ministry has continually made investments in reaching the next generation for Jesus Christ. The team works tirelessly, using all the tools of the trade, to equip students to share their faith and to reach young people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Based on research and experience, Faith 2 Faith works through three stages to move the gospel forward. Each stage includes several steps, all of which build upon one another (see Ministry Framework link below):

Tom Miyashiro, Chief Evangelism Officer, leads Faith 2 Faith with over 20 years of evangelism experience. He is a connector and strategist that helps mobilize the church to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.







Using these three stages, the Faith 2 Faith team partners with the church to cultivate an Ecosystem for Gospel Movement. The momentum is exciting and contagious. The commitment is ongoing.

Faith 2 Faith’s unashamedly bold vision is to see communities all over the world transformed in and through the name of Jesus.

Tom Miyashiro, Chief Evangelism Offices, leads Faith 2 Faith with over 20 years of evangelism experience. He is a connector and strategist that helps mobilize the church to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Ministry Framework PDF >

Current Projects >